Language of the Soul Podcast
Based on Dominick Domingo’s acclaimed book by the same name, Language of the Soul Podcast explores the infinite ways in which life, simply put, is story. Individually, we’re all products of the stories we’ve been exposed to. Collectively, culture is the sum of its history. Our respective worldviews are little more than stories we tell about ourselves. Socialization is the amalgamation of narratives we weave about the human condition, shaping everything from the codes we live by to policy itself. Language of the Soul Podcast spotlights master storytellers in the Arts and Entertainment, from cinema to the literary realm. It explores topical social issues through the lens of narrative, with an eye on the march toward human potential. And as always, a nudge to embrace the power of story in our lives…
To learn more and order Language of the Soul: www.dominickdomingo.com/theseeker
To book a Speaking Engagement with Dominick: www.dominickdomingo.com/speaking
Think you would be a great guest for our podcast; please submit a request at LOTS Guest Pitch Form.
Language of the Soul Podcast
Latest Episodes
Harnessing Intuition with Psychic Medium Cheryl Murphy

Transforming Fear into Love in Tumultuous Times

Art of the Tech Thriller with Author John Bukowski

Story and Grief with Author and Grief coach Debbie Heisler

Story in a Tech-Driven World with Mindfulness Coach Denise Pyles