Language of the Soul Podcast

Creative Expression is for Everyone with Ceramics Artist and Author Shelley Finance

Dominick Domingo Season 2024 Episode 19

Dominick and Virginia welcome the walking embodiment of creativity in action, a guest who will inspire with her intimate knowledge of the creative drive and her championing self-expression for all.  Shelley Finance is also a friend of Dominick's from high school. They grew up in the next-door-to-Hollywood but ironically unglamorous provincial town of Burbank, CA.  The two, along with Virginia,  discuss how creative efforts serve the individual and the products of them serve society at large. They discuss the age-old standoff between one's first love of muse and true earthly connection. They acknowledge how relationships rely on mutual respect for each partner's respective  'church'—his or her sacred practice. They explore the voices of doubt that must be silenced in order to accept a calling and thereby discover one's authentic voice--as well as how each gender is institutionally shamed for the pursuit. 
Guest Bio: Renaissance woman, Shelley Finance expresses her creativity through both her writing and ceramic art. She co-hosted "Hauntcast," podcast for fans of Halloween and prop building from 2009-2017, under the name, "The Mistress of Mayhem." She wrote, produced, and voiced her own segment, "The Charmed Pot," which covered various topics related to that spookiest of holidays. For each Halloween episode, she wrote her own short horror stories to thrill the fans of the show and is currently wrestling one of those stories into a feature-length screenplay.Shelley is currently a ceramic artist based in Los Angeles, California. She's had her sculptural work displayed in Sacramento's Crocker Art Museum as well as juried into international ceramics shows: Feats of Clay and America's Clay Fest. She has taught ceramics classes in Folsom’s Parks and Recreation department while nurturing the idea that creativity is part and parcel of the human experience. Learn more a

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Now more than ever, it’s tempting to throw our hands in the air and surrender to futility in the face of global strife. Storytellers know we must renew hope daily. We are being called upon to embrace our interconnectivity, transform paradigms, and trust the ripple effect will play its part. In the words of Lion King producer Don Hahn (Episode 8), “Telling stories is one of the most important professions out there right now.” We here at Language of the Soul Podcast could not agree more.

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