Language of the Soul Podcast

Love Is a Verb, with author Dominick Domingo

Dominick Domingo Season 2023 Episode 9
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00:00 | 23:30

Host Dominick Domingo shares an article he was invited to contribute to Johnny Tan's  online magazine, 'Inspirations for Better Living.' Titled, 'Love Is a Verb,' the article chronicles Dominick's journey of manifestation—from dovetailing with the universe  through losing everything but his life, to reclaiming his agency in the world. The mechanics of overcoming are universal:  In The Alchemist, Paul Coelho speaks of Beginner's Luck: the alchemy that occurs when the universe conspires in favor of those who pursue their personal legend. Also universal is the milestone in which the alchemy of youth yields to disillusionment. The means by which we recover our powers of manifestation—and thereby our agency in the world—have everything to do with self-love.

This inspiring talk explores the life-altering power of choosing love over fear and the tranquility, satisfaction, and inner peace that comes when we seek out opportunities to love more

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Now more than ever, it’s tempting to throw our hands in the air and surrender to futility in the face of global strife. Storytellers know we must renew hope daily. We are being called upon to embrace our interconnectivity, transform paradigms, and trust the ripple effect will play its part. In the words of Lion King producer Don Hahn (Episode 8), “Telling stories is one of the most important professions out there right now.” We here at Language of the Soul Podcast could not agree more.

This podcast is a labor of love. You can help us spread the word about the power of story to transform. Your donation, however big or small, will help us build our platform and thereby get the word out. Together, we can change the world…one heart at a time!

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