Joan Marie
Joan Marie creates art with exuberant passion for life. Her visionary art begun at age 19 with a profound spiritual connection, standing in delirious awe under Michelangelo’s Sistine ceiling. “If art can be this powerful, I must be an artist.” Leonardo DaVinci and Michelangelo communicate with her, filling her soul to this day. Following her MFA, her art career began with ethereal drawings, selling millions of products internationally. Driven by the passion of music, she created abstract “Music Paintings,” intuitively transforming the energy of one’s favorite song into a wild and mystical abstract painting. Combining DaVinci draftsmanship and fluid abstract expressionism, she currently has a waiting list creating your Personal-power Portrait, expressing your deepest passions and unique higher self. Join her, knowing that falling in love with yourself helps to make the world a better place.